The seige of voi (November 17, 2552)

During the battle of Earth in 2552. Covenant forces unleashed a devastating glassing attack on the town of Voi, Kenya in an attempt to kill the legendary Spartan known as the Master Chief. As a result of this brutal attack the town of Voi was completely destroyed. This was no ordinary glassing however, as the Covenant had desperately fielded an incredibly potent variant of the glassing weapons that had never before been seen. During the battle the Covenant warship carrying this secret weapon was swiftly defeated by the UNSC navy and crash landed in the ruins of Voi. This new weapon was still active and as a result the area was so heavily irradiated that it was feared one could contract horrific illnesses in an area of many miles radius. Following the war’s end in December 2552, in order to ensure the safety of the local populace, including the nearby mega city of New Mombasa, the UEG and UNSCDF established the extensive Exclusion Zone centered around the crash site in Voi to contain its devastating effects and protect the innocent citizens of the EAP. Now the Voi Exclusion Zone (or V.E.Z for short) is the site of many brave efforts by the United Earth Government to reclaim and rehabilitate the now glassed Tsavo National Park so that, one day, our Earth may fully heal from the scars of its most desperate hour.

"For us, the storm has passed. The war is over. But let us never forget those who journeyed into the howling dark and did not return. For their decision required courage beyond measure, sacrifice, and unshakable conviction that their fight...our fight...was elsewhere. As we start to rebuild, this hillside will remain barren, a memorial to heroes fallen. They ennobled all of us...and they shall not be forgotten."

— Lord Hood's eulogy at the Voi Memorial, March 2553